
Installing Fabric

GitHub releases

Fabric binaries for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available at “Releases” page in the project’s GitHub.

To install Fabric:

  • download a release archive: choose and download Fabric release archive appropriate for your operating system (Windows, macOS/Darwin, or Linux) and architecture from “Releases” page;
  • unpack: extract the contents of the downloaded release archive into a preferred directory;

For example, the steps for macOS (arm64) are:

# Create a folder
mkdir fabric-bin

# Download the latest release of Fabric
wget -O ./fabric_darwin_arm64.tar.gz

# Unpack Fabric release archive into `fabric-bin` folder
tar -xvzf ./fabric_darwin_arm64.tar.gz -C ./fabric-bin

# Verify that `fabric` runs
./fabric-bin/fabric --help

Installing plugins

Fabric uses plugins that implementing integrations with various data sources, platforms, and services. Before the plugins can be used during template rendering, they must be installed. Fabric’s sub-command install can install the plugins automatically from the registry (

To install the plugins:

  • add all necessary plugins into the global configuration: the global configuration has a list of plugins dependencies in plugin_versions map. Add the plugins you would like to install in the map with a preferred version constraint.

    fabric {
      plugin_versions = {
        "blackstork/openai" = ">= 0.0.1",
        "blackstork/elastic" = ">= 0.0.1",
  • install the plugins: run install sub-command to install the plugins. For example:

    $ ./fabric install
    Mar 11 19:20:09.085 INF Searching plugin name=blackstork/elastic constraints=">=v0.0.1"
    Mar 11 19:20:09.522 INF Installing plugin name=blackstork/elastic version=0.4.0
    Mar 11 19:20:10.769 INF Searching plugin name=blackstork/openai constraints=">=v0.0.1"
    Mar 11 19:20:10.787 INF Installing plugin name=blackstork/openai version=0.4.0

The plugins are downloaded and installed in ./.fabric folder or in the location specified in cache_dir in the global configuration.

Next step

That’s it! You’re now ready to use Fabric. Take a look at the tutorial to see how to create and render the templates.