Section blocks

The blocks of type section are used for grouping and embedding content blocks. Section blocks can be referenced and nested within other section blocks. Building a template with sections improves clarity and re-usability.

section "<section-name>" {

document "foobar" {

  section {

  section "<section-name>" {

    section {


If a section block is defined at the root level of the configuration file, outside of the document, the section name is required. A combination of a block type (section) and a section name serves as a unique identifier of a block within the codebase. If a section block is defined within the document template, the section name is optional.

The section blocks respect the order of definition, same as the content blocks.

Supported arguments

  • title: (optional) represents the title of the content group. It’s a syntactic sugar for a content block that renders a title. The title content block takes precedence over any other nested content blocks or section blocks defined at the same level.

Supported nested blocks

  • meta: (optional) a block containing metadata for the block.
  • content: see Content Blocks for the details.
  • section: a section block of can placed inside another section block.


See References for the details about referencing section blocks.