list content provider

blackstork/builtin, v0.4.2


Produces a list of items

The content provider is built-in, which means it’s a part of fabric binary. It’s available out-of-the-box, no installation required.


The content provider doesn’t support any configuration arguments.


The content provider supports the following execution arguments:

content list {
  # Go template for the item of the list
  # Optional string.
  # For example:
  # item_template = "[{{.Title}}]({{.URL}})"
  # Default value:
  item_template = "{{.}}"

  # Optional string.
  # Must be one of: "unordered", "ordered", "tasklist"
  # Default value:
  format = "unordered"

  # List of items to render.
  # Required data.
  # Must have a length of at least 1
  # For example:
  items = ["First item", "Second item", "Third item"]