http data source

blackstork/builtin, v0.4.2


Loads data from a URL.

At the moment, the data source accepts only responses with UTF-8 charset and parses only responses with MIME types text/csv or application/json.

If MIME type of the response is text/csv or application/json, the response content will be parsed and returned as a JSON structure (similar to the behaviour of CSV and JSON data sources). Otherwise, the response content will be returned as text

The data source is built-in, which means it’s a part of fabric binary. It’s available out-of-the-box, no installation required.


The data source doesn’t support any configuration arguments.


The data source supports the following execution arguments:

data http {
  # URL to fetch data from. Supported schemas are `http` and `https`
  # Required string.
  # Must have a length of at least 1
  # For example:
  url = "https://example.localhost/file.json"

  # HTTP method for the request. Allowed methods are `GET`, `POST` and `HEAD`
  # Optional string.
  # Must be one of: "GET", "POST", "HEAD"
  # Default value:
  method = "GET"

  # If set to `true`, disabled verification of the server's certificate.
  # Optional bool.
  # Default value:
  insecure = false

  # The duration of a timeout for a request. Accepts numbers, with optional fractions and a unit suffix. For example, valid values would be: 1.5s, 30s, 2m, 2m30s, or 1h
  # Optional string.
  # Default value:
  timeout = "30s"

  # The headers to be set in a request
  # Optional map of string.
  # Default value:
  headers = null

  # Request body
  # Optional string.
  # Default value:
  body = null

  # Basic authentication credentials to be used for HTTP request.
  # Optional
  basic_auth {
    # Required string.
    # For example:
    username = ""

    # Note: avoid storing credentials in the templates. Use environment variables instead.
    # Required string.
    # For example:
    password = "passwd"