json data source

blackstork/builtin, v0.4.2


Loads JSON files with the names that match a provided glob pattern or a single file from a provided pathvalue.

Either glob or path argument must be set.

When path argument is specified, the data source returns only the content of a file. When glob argument is specified, the data source returns a list of dicts that contain the content of a file and file’s metadata. For example:

    "file_path": "path/file-a.json",
    "file_name": "file-a.json",
    "content": {
      "foo": "bar"
    "file_path": "path/file-b.json",
    "file_name": "file-b.json",
    "content": [
      {"x": "y"}

The data source is built-in, which means it’s a part of fabric binary. It’s available out-of-the-box, no installation required.


The data source doesn’t support any configuration arguments.


The data source supports the following execution arguments:

data json {
  # A glob pattern to select JSON files to read
  # Optional string.
  # For example:
  # glob = "path/to/file*.json"
  # Default value:
  glob = null

  # A file path to a JSON file to read
  # Optional string.
  # For example:
  # path = "path/to/file.json"
  # Default value:
  path = null