microsoft_sentinel_incidents data source

blackstork/microsoft, v0.4.2


The microsoft_sentinel_incidents data source fetches incidents from Microsoft Sentinel.


To use microsoft_sentinel_incidents data source, you must install the plugin blackstork/microsoft.

To install the plugin, add the full plugin name to the plugin_versions map in the Fabric global configuration block (see Global configuration for more details), as shown below:

fabric {
  plugin_versions = {
    "blackstork/microsoft" = ">= v0.4.2"

Note the version constraint set for the plugin.


The data source supports the following configuration arguments:

config data microsoft_sentinel_incidents {
  # The Azure client ID
  # Required string.
  # For example:
  client_id = "some string"

  # The Azure client secret
  # Required string.
  # For example:
  client_secret = "some string"

  # The Azure tenant ID
  # Required string.
  # For example:
  tenant_id = "some string"

  # The Azure subscription ID
  # Required string.
  # For example:
  subscription_id = "some string"

  # The Azure resource group name
  # Required string.
  # For example:
  resource_group_name = "some string"

  # The Azure workspace name
  # Required string.
  # For example:
  workspace_name = "some string"


The data source supports the following execution arguments:

data microsoft_sentinel_incidents {
  # The filter expression
  # Optional string.
  # Default value:
  filter = null

  # The maximum number of incidents to return
  # Optional number.
  # Default value:
  limit = null

  # The order by expression
  # Optional string.
  # Default value:
  order_by = null